Use this button when no Canadian tax receipt is desired. If you need a Canadian Tax receipt, click here instead.

We value art.  We value our artists. 

Please donate any amount you can to support our work.

PayPal will process your donation.  You do NOT need a PayPal account to donate.

Yes, we need donations to pay for our production.  The lion's share of the money we raise will go to the artists and performers.  It is central to our concept that not only is music and art an intrinsic good, but that those who produce it should be valued too. Unexpectedly Opera is a Not-For-Profit organization.

No financial information is seen or stored by Unexpectedly Opera's website. It's all using PayPal.  You do NOT need a PayPal account to donate.

Use this button when no Canadian tax receipt is desired. If you need a Canadian Tax receipt, click here instead.