Saturday afternoon Nov. 19, 2016 at 4pm in Toronto. Performance occurs in the past.

Please stay tuned for announcements about our upcoming productions!


Performance Retrospective

of our 2015 Original Opera production "Paint and Song" by Nicholas Nanos.

The performance on Saturday November 19th at 4:00pm will be a light retrospective concert in a story format.  It promises to be fun and evocative!

Performers:  Nicholas Nanos | Emma Cava


This performance is sponsored and hosted as part of the Lunch (Out Of The Cold) program by

St. Michael & All Angels Anglican Church

611 St. Clair Avenue West | Toronto | Ontario | M6C 1A3
Phone: 416-653-3593

St.Clair Ave. West between Bathurst and Christie at Wychwood Ave.

Location/Web link


Opera - that magical mixture of music and drama - should be available to all, as we are all worth it.
We are all worthy of love, regardless of our social circumstance, and we are all worthy of respect.

Unexpectedly Opera is partnered with Neighbourhood Unitarian Universalist Congregation under the auspices of its Social Action, Education, and Outreach activities.  Our focus is external to the congregation and our beneficiaries are the public, without regard to any affiliation, religion, or fixed address.